Monday, September 24, 2007


You know how you get all those emails with soppy stories with the worst chiken-soup-for-the-asshole type of moral at the end of it and a message that asks you to forward this to 2500 people or you might either suffer from instant combustion or a bad sex life!... well - this blog post is succumbing to something similar....

shiv (young bengali lad, a good friend, a bad cricketer, but the best whinger) recently resumed his blogging career (like me) and his second post upon resumption (like this one for me) was about his quirks... and he "tagged" me (among others) with that post. And I'm giving in...

Honestly didn't have to think long and hard because I was exchanging notes on this with a friend visiting from India this past week. Think I have 2:

1) My CD Collection! It has to be in alphabetical order. Yep - I'm the nerd who arranges his CD collection!!! If you must know - it's sorted based on last names for individual performers and, well, band names for bands. The compilations follow all the albums (in order of the names of the compilations). OSTs and musicals follow the compliations. Instrumentals, Classicals, World and Chill Out follow the OST's. And then my Hindi collections - in alphabetical order also. This rule does not apply for my DVD collection (which is assorted in 3 different baskets - one for the ones I've seen, 2 for the one's I haven't.

2) Picture Frames and Paintings. I think this stems from the fact that I'm a Libran - I need picture frames, paintings and the like to be in order. They can't be leaning on one side even by the smallest perceptible degree. It bothers me. Couldn't, for the life of me, resist the urge even if I was visiting someone's house. I just have to.

Apart from these two - I'm a fairly easy going guy. Unfazed and uncluttered. Just don't mess with my CD collection. I might have to kill you.


  1. Totally get the alphabetized CD collection and bookshelf. Wait - you only alphabetize your CDs. Fine, I'm the nerdox who also does that to his books. So shoot me.

  2. I'm surprised you dont have anything to do with ur car, since its such high involvement for you!

  3. hmmm - never thought about that... come to think of it - there's a wealth of quirks there!! :)
