Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Entourage... Season 1

So we did it. Successfully accomplished Entourage Season 1. The drive to KL was good. The only time we got lost was while we were still in Singapore. Found Drama's place easy. And what a place! In a really nice looking neighborhood called Mont Kiara. Drama has outdone himself with his beautiful place and his "expat" connections!

Some highlights...

Drama - over a lazy brunch on Saturday morning talking about Kashmir's freedom struggle - "The choppers came and chased away the Kabalis"... and this was way back before choppers were invented in 1948!
E - "Shotgun shotgun shotgun".... sorry... you've got to see the car first.
Vinny - "Matlab?"
Ari - "I'm south asian... I have a danda. Not a nunu!"... I'm not about to check!!
Random Indonesian girl - "I'm bloody awesome Aussie mate".... ask Vinny!

Here's looking forward to Season2!
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1 comment:

Beta said...


Choppers were invented as far back as 1907 by a person called Paul Karnu. The design was further modified by Igor Sikorsky and by 1940, his model called VS-300 was common for most armies. And further confirmed, choppers were used in the 1948 Kashmir war for the simple reason that Indians didnt have anything better.
