Friday, May 25, 2007

High on pants!

Pet Peeve - People who wear their pants around their necks. What's the deal with that? I'm not saying we all have to be at the cutting edge of fashion (I certainly am not), but there are 3 practical reasons for getting out of the high tide!

1. High pants = self induced wedgie. Wedgies are a bad thing. Even Freud (yep - same guy who thought shitting was erotic) would find it hard to draw pleasure from a well executed wedgie. With high pants, you're basically in a permanent wedgie you've given yourself. To read more about wedgies (coz I think most people who put themselves through it, don't know what one is) check this out...

2. Even worse... High pants = front wedgie. As if having at least 2 layers of garment (we hope) riding high up your ass wasn't enough, high pants, if executed perfectly, would also lead to the alienation of one testicle from the other. They wouldn't know each other very well and my guess is this might hinder team work sooner or later. Plus the general would have to be partial all the time.

3. The hairy ankles show. Since most self respecting clothing manufacturers and tailors fit their pants around the waist rather than the chest, when riding high, these pants fall short of covering the hairy ankles beneath. And no one. I repeat - NO ONE had sexy hairy ankles.

Well... somebody (can't say who) thought it might be a good idea to share this artcile as well... it's titled Men's Fashion and Grooming Crimes. Scathingly funny.


Gary K said...

Awesome post! It made me laugh much more than I should be at work.
I can think of a 4th reason -"Wearing your pants high makes you look like a dork."

By the way, I got here from comments found at I'm also starting out and could use the comments as well.


Anonymous said...

i didn't know you were so witty.... =)

Mahogany said...

Here's another reason: it makes your voice squeak.

Vee said...

The first thing on that link you posted is about carrying a bag!
i feel so ashamed :-(

gajman said...

don't - it's MEN'S fashion and grooming!! unless....

Anonymous said...

here's another one...wearing your pants around your neck is a major health hazard - it forces all the blood into your heart!!!

Casino Tips said...

I apologise, I can help nothing. I think, you will find the correct decision.